North Atlantic CPR

Basic Metadata

DOI Maintainer:
David Johns

Pierre Helaouët (Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom)

The Archive for Marine Species and Habitats Data (DASSH)

Year of Publication:

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Please contact Pierre Helaouet for further details
1. “Polyg_ACTNOW.kml”: Polygon in format *.kml representing the selected area (used to extract the CPR data).
2. “MapDataExtract_ACTNOW_02102023.png”: Map in format *.png representing the polygon used for extraction with CPR data superimposed.
3. “CPR_DataPCI_ACTNOW_02102023.csv”: *.csv containing PCI counts
4. “CPR_DataEyecount_ACTNOW_02102023.csv”: *.csv containing Eyecount counts
5. “CPR_DataTraverse_ACTNOW_02102023.csv” : *.csv containing Traverse counts
6. “CPR_DataPhytoplankton_ACTNOW_02102023.csv”: *.csv containing Phytoplankton counts
7. “CPR_ListEyecount_ACTNOW_02102023.csv”: *.csv containing Eyecount taxa list
8. “CPR_ListTraverse_ACTNOW_02102023.csv” ”: *.csv containing Traverse taxa list
9. “CPR_ListPhytoplankton_ACTNOW_02102023.csv” ”: *.csv containing Phytoplankton taxa list

1. Each “data” file has the taxa ID used as headings and taxa are organised in the same order as described in the associated “list” files. E.g., in CPR_DataEyecount_ACTNOW_02102023.csv, the first taxa is ID 40 corresponding to the first taxa in CPR_ListEyecount_ACTNOW_02102023.csv.
2. In each “list” file, there is a column called DRI for Date of Routine Analysis. Prior to this date, a taxa was not looked for by our analysists. Data associated to this taxa will contain missing values (i.e., NaN) for samples taken before the DRI. For this dataset, only taxa recorded for the entire time period, from 1958, have been included
3. In each “data” file, presence are coded with a very small number (i.e., 10-10). It is down to the user to keep them, remove them or set them to any other value (e.g., 0).
4. Only well identified taxa were retained.
5. Some taxa may appear as species but also be part of groups.


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Preferred Citation:
Pierre Helaouët (Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom) (2023): North Atlantic CPR. The Archive for Marine Species and Habitats Data (DASSH). (Dataset).

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