Flow Cytometry data collected using the CPR-WaMS from five stations across the Western Channel from 2011-2016

Basic Metadata

DOI Maintainer:
Clare Ostle

Clare Ostle (Marine Biological Association)

The Archive for Marine Species and Habitats Data (DASSH)

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Flow Cytometry data collected using the CPR-WaMSUK (Stern et al., 2022; Stern et al., 2015) from five stations across the Western Channel from 2011-2016. Data given in cells per ml.
2 mL samples in polypropylene cryovials with 1% TEM grade glutaraldehyde (final concentration), flash frozen immediately for later flow cytometry analysis. First numeral indicates sample position (1 nearest French coast, 2 to 4 mid Channel, 5 nearest English Coast). The second numeral indicates technical replicate number e.g 1, 2 or 3.
Stern, R.F., Picard, K., Clarke, J., Walker, C., Martins, C., Marshall, C., Amorim, A., Woodward, M., Widdicombe, C., Tarran, G., 2022. Getting the Full Picture of Plankton in the Western Channel.
Stern, R.F., Picard, K.T., Hamilton, K.M., Walne, A., Tarran, G.A., Mills, D., McQuatters-Gollop, A., Edwards, M., 2015. Novel lineage patterns from an automated water sampler to probe marine microbial biodiversity with ships of opportunity. Progress in Oceanography 137, 409-420.

Generation of flow cytometry dataset:
Glen Tarran - PML
Sample processing- all MBA:
Rowena Stern
Tony Walne
Rob Camp
Astrid Fischer
George Graham

Sample collection- all MBA:
Tony Walne
Rob Camp
Lance Gregory
Peter Pritchard
Brittany Ferries

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Preferred Citation:
Clare Ostle (Marine Biological Association) (2022): Flow Cytometry data collected using the CPR-WaMS from five stations across the Western Channel from 2011-2016. The Archive for Marine Species and Habitats Data (DASSH). (Dataset). https://doi.org/10.17031/6374b39b3031a

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