MBA Data Catalogue Editor

The activities of the MBA Data Management team provide a holistic approach to data archiving and management. Through close liaison with the scientific community and other providers of marine biological data, the data team is able to offer data management solutions for the effective archiving, manipulation and dissemination of biological data relating to species and habitats.

The Data Team are core-funded by Defra and Scottish Government to deliver DASSH, the UK archive for marine species and habitats data. Accredited through the Marine Environmental Data and Information Network (MEDIN), DASSH provides a range of services including running workshops on data standards and data management, archiving advice and services for government and statutory bodies and a portal for the discovery and download of archived datasets. The data team provide a focus for streamlining the flow of data to national and international data initiatives, including EMODNET, OBIS, GBIF and the UK National Biodiversity Network.

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